Wednesday 17 March 2010


The Annual Spring Backgammon competition took place in Azogires on Sunday, 14 March.
We had new and old players, young and experienced, male and female, human and animal: all played for one reason or another. Even the locals got jealous and made their own little tournament on the side.
As for the animals, our very own Al Capone said to Petroula the Cat "Lets have a friendly game," and all was going smoothly until Capone caught Petroula cheating, and said "Enough is enough."
Then you can imagine that it was surely a cat and dog fight.
As for the real tournament, there were 16 players from 6 different Nations.
The game started around one pm and lasted over seven hours, at the end of which the winner was Anidri's very own David Hale with the second prize going to Sakis from Lebanon.
In the consolation tournament on the other hand, it was an all ladies game. First prize winner was Marjan De Jong from Holland and second prize winner was Morit Heitzler from Israel .


backgammon said...

Great pictures, especially the last three. At first it looked like Capone was grabbing Petroula by the neck, and I was thinking: someone is a cutthroat player...

Anonymous said...

hello lucky dude looks like a wet road on first piccie no rain here in u.k just hot sunny days if you can believe that or maybe more like ice cold and damp.

Anonymous said...

Geia soy Lucky moy, poly omorfes oi foto !!!!!!!!!! na eisai kala ..filiaaaa polla se sena kai ston kapone!!

Frank David said...

Hello from Finland. Thank you for your personal blogg. We met in may-07 when we were camping down the river with my son Alex. Dayly you gave intelligent and professional advises to each of us, for which we thank you - and always remember you.
You are a good person, Lucky Luke, with a very friendly heart. Exipnos eise! Look for our GREEN FIAT PANDA soon, now, in the second week of May 2010. Because of your personality we have to return to Azogires and again dayly be your guests in Alpha Kaphenion.
Frank and Alexander