Monday 21 January 2008

High Tech communications - Azogires style

It's a little known, but amazing, fact that Azogires was in the forefront of the Interwebnet revolution thing when Bill Gates was still but a twinkle in his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather's eye.

Excavations carried out by a trained team of combat archeologists back in the 1860's, on the site of what is now the Alpha Kafenion, came up with conclusive proof that the inhabitants of Azogires had the worlds first Interwebnet Kafe several thousand years ago.

It would appear from the records available, mostly 45rpm, that what would have been a great leap forward for Cretan civilisation came to an abrupt halt when it was realised that:

1) The only PC in existance was that one in Azogires and therefore they couldn't send messages to anybody else,

2) Electricity hadn't been invented.

Thus, unfortunately, all that remains of the many great Azogires contributions to mankind is the painting on the plate shown above.

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