Monday, 29 September 2014


 Grape therapy   revived once more, in Azogires  .
For many years we have been reviving   the traditions of our ancestors and since 1913   Antonis Koukoutsakis   bought his raki distillery pot
Got his alcohol license and started going from neighborhood to neighborhood sleeping next to his distillery making peoples raki and in exchange taking a small percentage of the alcohol home to his family other times to sell and other times for personal use or medicinal purposes.
Everyone knew they could get a drink in his house he was always open to guests  he played them music with his homemade Cretan lira and let them smoke from his homegrown tobacco, he was also the villages finest carpenter.
A man of multi talents and father of nine children one of them being my grandfather Eftihis , you could say we owe him our very existence  and  by reenacting  grape picking  and raki making every year for the past 100 years   we can say we honor his memory , but we went one step further 6 years ago we started to share this tradition with others who needed to get away from the everyday life of 
 the city  step out of their offices and get their hands dirty  become tired smell the earth and then grape therapy was born.
With the help of Doctor Gerard we do it every year ,   sometimes come  many and sometimes a few but they always come to smell the aromas of the crushed grapes get their feet messy and learn the secrets of wine and raki making  , a big thank you to all participants  once more and when we start distilling getting drunk  under the dark shining moon sky we will have a drink on you .

Saturday, 20 September 2014


Με μεγάλη επιτυχία τελέστηκε το 12ο διεθνές τουρνουά τάβλι στον Αζωγυρε  με συμμετέχοντες από 7 διαφορετικές χώρες , που ήρθαν να τιμήσουν τη μνήμη του Αντρέα Μίλλαρ
Πρώτος νικητής ήταν ο Παναγιώτης από την Αλβανία
Δεύτερος ήταν ο Πήτερ από τον Καναδά
Και τρίτος ο Χορστ  από τη Γερμάνια
Όλα έγιναν πολλή γρήγορα  και η τελική μάχη όταν λες και ήσουν μέσα στο Κολοσσαίο  και πάλευες για την ζωή σου . το πρώτο έπαθλο ηταν  ήταν δώρο επιταγή τον 50 ευρώ από τον χορηγό μας Σουπερ μάρκετ Πετράκης  στην Παλαιοχωρα  
Ο νικητής αρνήθηκε να παραλάβει το έπαθλο και είπε υπάρχουν άνθρωποι  που το χρειάζονται πόλη περισσότερο από έμενα και το απόδωσε σε έναν ανάπηρο συμπολίτη μας    .
Ένα μεγάλο ευχάριστο στους χορηγούς  μας  Σουπερ μάρκετ Πετράκης  από την  Παλαιοχωρα και της επιχειρήσεις  Άλφα Γραμμή Κουκουτσάκης   

With the greatest success ever ,
the championship started  on Saturday  afternoon of  the 30th August .  All those who are loyal to the memory of Andrew Millar  were there , First Prize winner was  Panagioti from Albania Second Prize winner by just a point difference was Peter from Canada , and third prize winner was Horst from Germany .

What happened next shocked everyone First prize was a fifty euro check from the super markets Petrakis ,and the winner refused to accept the prize he said there are others who need it more than me and he gave his prize to  a person from our area who has had an accident and could not work for the time being , after actions like this one I know that there are still people in this world who care  .
A very big thank thank you  to our sponsors Supermarket Petrakis in Paleochora  and Alfa Grammh  Koukoutsakis of Azogires