Wednesday, 25 August 2010


This was one of the strangest backgammon championships of Azogires history as father and daughter got first and second prizes.
It was a great success with 13 players from 9 diferent countries and over 30 spectators throughout the day. The competition was followed by a meal of lamb and potatoes in the oven served with salad and tzatziki and it was sponsored by David Hale and Martin Strellow both known professional players.
First prize winner was David Hale, second prize winner was Jessica Hale...Yes his daughter from England. The third prize winner was our one and only Sarkis from Lebanon, a man who plays with passion, not only in life, but also in backgammon.
This was the summer International Tournament in memory of Andrew Millar, one of the founders of the Azogires Backgammon championship. The cup was given to the Hales and they must return it next year for the next Champion to take home. The folks from the Alpha Cafe offered bottles of their very own raki as prizes to the winners, but as they declined to take them we gave them bottles of our very own Olive oil instead.
We wish everyone a good summer and hope to see you all on the next tournament in Azogires .